Wednesday 18 May 2016

Introduction - The Hunger Games

Describe at least one method the director used to engage the audience.
Explain how the method engaged the audience.

In the film The Hunger Games directed by Gary Ross we were engaged through the opening scene of the film. This event used costume and colour, dialogue and quick cuts between two scenes in order to engage us.


The Hunger Games is a dystopian set film where children are picked at random and entered into a game where they are expected to kill one another for the pleasure and entertainment of those in the ruling city. Gary Ross engaged the audience through the opening scene of the film where we see two men callously talk about the games before moving away to a scene of children comforting one another. The director used costuming and colour, as well as dialogue and quick cuts to engage us and draw our attention to the contrast between the Capitol’s richness and cruelness, and the poverty and hopelessness of the Districts.

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