Wednesday 1 August 2018

Themes - Events and Characters involved


· Kevin and Corrie – Corrie is shot and Kevin takes her to the hospital

· Ellie and Lee – talk to each other about feelings

· Ellie and Homer have brotherly/sisterly love

· Homer and Fi accept each other despite extreme differences


· When Lee is shot and the others go into rescue him (more is better than less)

· Ellie said she can only trust in her instincts, doing the right thing and having faith

· Homer’s tactical thinking – change their thinking to survive

· Blowing up soldiers to get away from them

· The whole group learns how to ration food, be stealthy, be like soldiers, “be like a guerrilla outfit”

· Mr Clement doesn’t want to associate with them in order to stay ‘safe’

· collected ferrets and supplies to take back to Hell

· Robyn and others went to gather more intel

· friends look to Ellie to tell them what to do in the lawn mower incident (chapter 7)

· when Homer shuts everyone up by breaking the cup when they are shouting

· Homer tells everyone what to do and tells them to put themselves in to a soldier’s shoes

· the four steps taken by Ellie, Kevin and Corrie by the showground

· Robyn doing the stitches and needles despite being afraid

· When Ellie drove the oil truck and Fi went first to look ahead

· Ellie driving the bucket truck to save Lee

· Robyn carried Lee when he was shot

· When the are all having banter around the fire in Hell

· When Ellie gets annoyed at Chris for sleeping

· Ellie and Homer being close since childhood, holds hands when biking back (support)

· Ellie and Corrie – childhood friends and how they have changed

Team work

· between Ellie and Fi when Ellie is driving and Fi is on lookout

· Team collecting resources and info – split up

· Robyn, Ellie and Homer thinking up a plan to save Lee

· Blowing up the bridge – the different jobs – Ellie (truck), Fi (lookout), Lee (camera flash), Homer (release cattle and hiss)

Horrors of War

· Ellie killing people and feeling guilty

· guilt – stayed with her – dreams, cold, had a break down (she slept for three days)

· When the soldiers bombed Corrie’s house – Corrie had break down, the house was gone, her entire life gone in an instant

· looting

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